through Tenabah, copyright 2012
here and now,
I invite you to
directly contemplate,
feel, see into,
and intuit
the vast web
of interdependence
that all sentient beings
emerge from, arise within,
abide in, exist within,
change within,
and dissolve back into
by deeply feeling into
this vast interdependent field
directly feeling, seeing, and deeply intuiting
how everything arises
in dependence upon everything else
our hearts awaken to great compassion
and we flow within a wisdom
and cuts to the very root of all sorrow
and completely ends it
all experiences arise within this field
they cannot exist apart from this field
they always emerge dependent upon this field
they emerge from causes and conditions
within this field
and these causes and conditions
also depend upon all other causes and conditions
within this field
everything has a dependent existence
with everything within this field
we are all connected to each other
we are causes and conditions
in the lives of each other
we are experiences for each other
constantly interact with each other
through more than five senses
and more than five voices
this interaction changes each other
moment to moment
so that we are changing moment to moment
notice this and allow this
see if you can not resist this process
not tighten against what is always happening
let yourself pulse in and out of existence
in each moment
being born again and again in each moment
relax into this process
do not grasp or cling to anything
for security in this process
the process itself is enough to liberate you
rather than try to grasp things,
resist things, ignore things,
or obsess about things
for security, for identity,
for wisdom or for peace,
feel into not grasping, not resisting,
not ignoring, and not obsessing
about anything at all
deeply relax, let go,
and trust the process
that you are always in
always flow in the wisdom
that sees this
and the heart compassion
that feels this
rest in the interconnectedness
that we always emerge in
in the very connectedness
that allows you to hear these words
and feel what they mean
and rest in
what we share in common
deeply penetrating into
everything that exists
we notice that they are empty
of solid existence
that everything is changing
moment to moment
going deeper into each object
that we see, feel, hear, touch, and taste
we notice that they are made up
of smaller things
composed of living cells,
composed of the five elements,
composed of molecules,
composed of atoms,
composed of electrons, protons,
and neutrons,
composed of quarks, mesons,
and leptons,
composed of quantum particles of light,
composed of spinning vortexes of space,
emerging from an ever changing
tapestry of sacred moving geometry,
emerging from luminous, creative,
compassionate, wise living space
intimately and directly connected
to everything as it always appears
to every sentient being
through each of their multiple senses
experiencing everything
through every sentient being
everything experiencing everything
through every vantage point
of every sentient being
empty of solid existence
always changing
moment to moment
always dependent
on this luminous field
we are always one
with this field
we are always a part
of this field
this is our home
we can always relax here
and find peace here
beyond clinging and resisting
we can always rest here
beyond all the dramas of thought
that fearful mind can generate
we can always find peace here
our mental activity can always obscure
this simple truth
it can conjure through words
things that seem to exist
and make them real enough
to suffer endless painful and exciting dramas
which lead to fearing death and clinging to life
or wishing to die and fearing life
or it can create dramas
of not having what we want
and not wanting we have
or we can abide and feel how events
are always arising
flow with intuitive wisdom
and move across an eternal event horizon
an eternal present moment
poised between a supportive past and future
that in turn is also always changing
every sentient being
is composed of five conditions
consciousness, thought, emotion,
sensation, and body
which are in turn composed
of smaller conditions
which are in turn composed
of smaller conditions
until we see how we emerge
from everything that always
surrounds us
and from the luminous space
that everything always emerges from
you can call this luminous field
the supreme creator
god or goddess
but there is no god or goddess
except this field
and there is nothing outside this field
and that there are only sentient beings,
things, and experiences within this field
and nothing exists that does not depend
moment to moment on this field
resting in this field
trusting and abiding in this field
and even feeling yourself and others
as living expressions of this field,
is enough to end all sorrow,
heal all wounds, evolve every potential,
and celebrate life
as it unfolds moment to moment
entering into the wisdom that sees this
and the love that feels this
flowing with this wisdom
feeling this flow
loving everything that arises with us
there is no longer any path
or any purpose other than this
all enlightened goals have been attained
or will naturally emerge when the time is right
we become enlightened beings
through abiding and flowing
in this heart wisdom
we fulfill all spiritual teachings
through abiding and flowing
in this heart wisdom
we enter into deep loving community
through abiding and flowing
in this heart wisdom
we wake up together
by sharing with each other
through this heart wisdom
we trust that everything
is always unfolding perfectly
every ethical precept
with its ideals, right behavior,
and exceptions
is fulfilled by flowing
in this heart wisdom
and this heart wisdom
is the natural common sense
that we always have
when we abide
in the loving luminous energy
that permeates all events
and unites them
we do not need to grasp
even this heart wisdom
we do not have to be afraid
of losing what is already a part of us
and what will always be there
in our deepest feeling for everything
we can always feel it
beyond the all the dramas
of our fearful thinking mind
when we enter
into the direct immediate experience
of what is happening now
and by consciously breathing
feeling the electromagnetic heart pulse
of our living bodies
that is always in this field
and always riding this field
inside all the fearful dramas
of thinking mind
is a cast of seemingly solid things
and people
who have been assigned roles
by the thinking mind
who follow rules of reality
defined by the thinking mind
and who move in rigid lines
of cause, effect, and choice
defined by the thinking mind
this mass of thought
is united by an ego structure
a sense of self and personality
defined by the thinking mind
the drama and the ego
arise in dependence upon each other
within the thinking mind
and cause all the pain that we feel
the ego that appears in these dramas
is not real, is completely delusional,
and is based on fearful clinging
to its own imaginary survival
let it die completely
and you will notice it is a fiction
and flashes into nonexistence
between each moment
and disappears whenever our minds
become deeply quiet of thinking
whenever we are deeply touched
by the beauty of nature
the fantastic shimmering of the auroras
the sunrise over the mountains
the sunset of the ocean
the majestic thunderstorms
the shooting stars light up the night sky
the gentle warm tropical rain touching our faces
the ego is gone
and only appears to exist again
when we start thinking
simply notice that this thought of self
is not real, not solid,
is always changing
and always subject
to causes and conditions
flashes into and out of existence
moment to moment
and is nothing more than a thought
and you are free
from this delusion
and then it becomes
an empty symbol
that you can use
in your words with each other
when you are expressing
intuitive wisdom
and communing with each other
simply notice how your mind
makes it more real than it really is
when you say
“i feel sad”
notice how sadness
arises in awareness
without any self attached to it
when you say
“i feel angry”
notice how anger
arises in awareness
without any self attached to it
when you say
“i feel afraid”
notice how fear arises
in awareness
without any self attached to it
notice how all emotions
arise in dependence
on consciousness, thought,
sensation, and body
and all the interactions
of the present moment
and interactions
with past memory
and future imagination
and a visualization
of interactions of
everyone with everyone
notice how your experience
is already always changing
and let it continue to change
relax into loving everyone
including yourself
and including
your friends, strangers, and enemies
wake up
to all the sentient beings
that co-arise with you
your spontaneous community
who is journeying with you now
a community that is constantly changing
new beings coming in
old beings going out
some returning and some not
take refuge in this
do not recoil
from the associations
that are happening now
know that until your natural love
arises for them
that they cannot really leave
but instead have become
a haunting fiction in your mind
a reactive thought seed
that can trigger
anger, fear, or sadness
until peacefully resolved
within intuitive wisdom
you can always enter
into this deep intuitive wisdom
this profound and complete wisdom
that ends all sorrow
and finds all joy
by chanting in the thinking mind
and speaking voice
until cleansed of all other thoughts
and entering into the silence
where this wisdom is obvious
this simple repetition
that embodies the full meaning
of all these words:
I am letting go,
I am letting go,
with every inhale
I let go of resistance,
with every exhale
I let go of clinging,
I really let go
of all resistance,
I really let go
of all clinging,
I totally let go
of all resistance
to anything,
I totally let go
of all clinging
to anything,
I let go of
all resistance
to others,
I let go of
all clinging to self,
I let go of
all resistance to thinking,
I let go of
all clinging to thinking,
I let go of
all resistance to feeling,
I let go of
all clinging to feeling,
I let go of
all resistance to sensation,
I let go of
all clinging to sensation,
I awaken to this present moment
as it arises right now,
I feel into this present moment
as it arises right now,
I breathe and flow with
this present moment
as it arises right now,
I relax into the warm luminous space
that has always supported me
I rest in the warm peace of luminous space
that is always there for me
I open up to the vast interdependence
of this luminous space
that includes everything and everyone
and radiate the love that is natural to me
and feel the joy of being
so shall it always be