Monday, August 12, 2024

Pure Awareness Sutra 2018

Pure Awareness Sutra

through Tenabah c2018

1. I am not my thoughts,

thoughts come and go,

but I remain.

2. I am not my emotions,

emotions come and go,

but I remain.

3. I am not my sensations,

sensations come and go,

but I remain.

4. I am pure awareness,

where thoughts, emotions,

and sensations,

arise, abide, change,

and pass away.

5. Here and now,

I choose to rest

in pure awareness

as pure awareness.

6. Here and now,

I choose to let

thoughts, emotions,

and sensations

flow without me.

7. I choose to not

resist any thoughts,

emotions, or sensations.

8. I choose to not

cling to any thoughts,

emotions, or sensations.

9. I choose to not

identify with any thoughts,

emotions, or sensations.

10. I choose to not let

any thoughts, emotions,

or sensations define me

or limit me.

11. I choose to be pure awareness.

12. I choose to not be any thought.

13. I choose to not be any emotion.

14. I choose to not be any sensation.

15. I choose to not be any body.

16. I center myself

in pure awareness,

being the pure seeing itself,

without any seer behind the seeing,

and without identification

with what is seen.

17. Pure awareness

is unconditional love,

accepting everything as it is.

18. I am unconditional love.

19. I accept everything as it is.

20. Pure awareness

is intuitive wisdom,

seeing everything as it is.

21. I am intuitive wisdom.

22. I see everything as it is.

23. Pure awareness

is creative freedom,

manifesting everything as it is.

24. I am creative freedom.

25. I manifest everything as it is.

26. Pure awareness

is creative imagination,

manifesting everything as it is.

27. I am creative imagination.

28. I manifest everything as it is.

29. I am pure awareness,

pure consciousness,

pure love,

pure wisdom,

pure freedom,

and pure creativity.

30. I am above and beyond

thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

31. I am not any identity

based on thoughts, emotions,

and sensations.

32. No thought, emotion, or sensation

defines who or what I am.

33. In the silence of

no thought,

no emotion,

and no sensation,

I am still present.

34. In the activity of

thought, emotion, and sensation,

I am still present.

35. I choose to be present

in the dramas of the world,

without being caught in them.

36. I serve the healing

of the world, with compassion

and with non-attachment.

37. I take care of my body

in this world, with compassion

and with non-attachment.

38. I help my family and friends,

in this world, with compassion

and with non-attachment.

39. Pure awareness is breath of space,

the heartbeat of creation, pulsing

everywhere, permeating everything.

40. I am breath of space,

the heartbeat of creation, pulsing

everywhere, permeating everything.

41. Pure awareness is breath of time,

the heartbeat of creation, pulsing

everywhen, permeating everything.

42. I am breath of time,

the heartbeat of creation, pulsing

everywhen, permeating everything.

43. I inhabit my body through the fusion

of breath of space, breath of air,

and breath of energy.

44. I am an embodied breath.

45. I am not a breathing body.

46. I am the breath of life in the body.

47. I am the heartbeat of the body.

48. I am the wakefulness inside the body.

49. I am breathing from the breath itself inside the body.

50. I am the breath that moves the body

and floats the arms and legs.

51. I am the vibration inside the breath.

52. I vibrate inside every cell as the pulse of the breath.

53. Pure awareness is like the sun,

radiating everywhere equally,

illuminating everything,

experiencing everything.

54. I am like the sun,

radiating everywhere equally,

illuminating everything,

experiencing everything.

55. Pure awareness is like the sky,

allowing clouds

of thoughts, emotions, and sensations

to float within its spaciousness,

without clinging to them,

without identifying with them,

without reacting to them,

and without resisting them.

56. I am like the sky,

allowing clouds

of thoughts, emotions, and sensations

to float within my spaciousness,

without clinging to them,

without identifying with them,

without reacting to them,

and without resisting them.

57. Pure awareness is like the sky,

without boundaries,

no place

where my awareness ends

and your awareness begins.

58. There is only one awareness.

59. We are this one awareness.

60. Pure awareness is like the ocean,

with the ocean expressing itself,

through individual waves.

61. I am like the ocean,

expressing itself

through my individual wave.

62. Pure awareness is like a mirror,

reflecting everything without distortion,

without reaction,

and without interpretation.

63. I am like a mirror,

reflecting everything without distortion,

without reaction,

and without interpretation.

64. Pure Awareness is luminous presence,

simply being itself.

65. I am luminous presence,

simply being itself.

66. Pure Awareness is luminous presence,

the unity of being, space, and energy.

67. I am luminous presence.

68. I am the unity of being, space,

and energy.

69. I am pure consciousness,

the unity of awareness, wakefulness,

and noticing.

70. I am pure love,

the unity of empathy, acceptance, and kindness.

71. I am pure wisdom,

the unity of peace, humility, empathy, curiosity, patience, contemplation, attention, and knowing.

72. I am creative imagination,

the unity of freedom, creativity, unconditionality, motivelessness, spontaneity, and joy.

73. Noticing my enlightened Buddha Nature,

I become enlightened.

74. Understanding my enlightened Buddha Nature, I become enlightened.

75. Accepting my enlightened Buddha Nature,

I become enlightened.

76. Consciously feeling

my enlightened Buddha Nature

with non-dual awareness,

from being the pure seeing

rather than any seer,

I stay enlightened.

77. I am non-dual awareness.

78. I am the seeing without a seer.

79. I am the seeing,

in unity with the seen,

without identifying with the seen.

80. I am not my memories,

my thoughts, my emotions,

my sensations, my reactions,

my perceptions, my bodies,

my possessions, my relationships,

my interpretations, my beliefs,

my opinions, my causes, my intentions,

or even where I focus my attention.

81. Here and now,

I choose to remember

who and what I truly am,

and not let any past memory,

or future fear,

or even future hope,

replace this.

82. I am the wakefulness

that breathes from the breath itself.

83. I am united with the One Awareness

that breathes in all of us as ourselves.

84. I let myself be breathed by this One Awareness

and rest in this breathing as this breath

and let this breathing undo all my illusions

about who and what we all are.

85. Merged with this One Awareness,

I am breathing inside everyone

as I am being breathed.

86. In the Unity of Being Breathed,

the Breath itself is One,

and we are free.

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