Friday, April 8, 2011

Amida Buddha Invocation

I invoke Amida Buddha
the Buddha
of Infinite Love and Light

I open my heart
to Amida Buddha
and feel
the blessing energy
of Amida Buddha
enter my heart

that my heart
may be purified
of all negativity
and radiate love
to all sentient beings

I open my mind
to Amida Buddha
and feel
the blessing energy
of Amida Buddha
enter my mind

that my mind
may be purified
of all delusion
and see everything
just as it is
as ever unfolding

I open my body
to Amida Buddha
and feel
the blessing energy
of Amida Buddha
enter my body

that my body
may be purified
of addictive cravings
and be completely free
from the karmas
of aging, illness,
and death

i visualize and intone
the seed syllable

i ask Amida Buddha
to embody my visualization
of hreeh
to embody my intonation
of hreeh
to bless and energize
this symbol

i visualize hreeh
in a sphere of white light
the radius of my hand
glowing in neon red
pulsating brightly
with each exhale
with each intonation

i visualize
a beam of white light
the soft spot
at the top
of the head
and descend
down the spine
into the root chakra

i thereby
align my life axis
the loving intention
of Amida Buddha
that I may be happy
that I may be loving
that I may be honest
that I may be generous
that I may be gentle
that I may be safe
that I may be satisfied
that I may be liberated

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
down the spine
to the root chakra
and rest in the sacrum

i thereby
burn away
all survival fears

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
down the spine
to the security chakra
and rest in the belly

i thereby
burn away
all karmas
that block
my needs
from being fulfilled

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
down the spine
to the power chakra
and rest
in the solar plexus

i thereby
a bubble of protection
around me
the radius
created by my fingertips
when my arms are fully entended

this bubble of protection
is infused with purifying fire
that burns away
all the negative thoughts
that others have towards me

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
down the spine
to the heart chakra
and rest
in the place
where the heart beats

from this hreeh symbol
light rays of compassion
radiate towards
all sentient beings
blessing them with happiness
with the causes of happiness
with the burning away
of the causes of sorrow
as much as
they are willing, ready,
and able to receive

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
down the spine
to the creative chakra
and rest in the throat

i thereby
feel empowered
to live my purpose
to express my truth
to manifest my ideal
and to
speak kind and truthful words

i visualize
the symbol hreeh
enter my crown chakra
and descend
to the third eye chakra
and rest in the space
between the two eye brows

i thereby
activate my higher potential
the power to heal all illness
the power to cross all barriers
the power to end all bondage
and fully manifest
unconditional love
intuitive wisdom
infinite creativity

may the Earth become
a pure land of peace
where no one is oppressed
where no one starves
where no one suffers
where no one becomes ill
where no one is unhappy
where all beings are
liberated, happy, and fulfilled

so shall it be


  1. Footnote1: I am working on a video composition with a "hreeh" chant. I wanted to start this composition with an invocation in English that embodies the meaning of the mantra "Om Namo Amida Buddha Hreeh". I decided to upload it here.

  2. Footnote2: In Buddhism, there are "intention prayers" where we focus our volitional power through our thoughts to generate positive karma and burn away negative karma. Every thought we think creates a kind of energy that is called "vashana" or habit force. As one teacher said, "First we make our mind, then our mind makes us." Modern society does not believe in the power of prayer, but in some sense every thought is a prayer and every thought has a result. We are always chanting and manifesting through our thoughts and creating a corresponding life condition. Sometimes the chant is implied in the thoughts that are chanted (repeated) inside us. I sometimes think that Americans chant too often three non-sacred mantras: "Shit happens", "Life is unfair", and "Corrupt corporate conspiracies rule this world". This is different from "Everything is unfolding perfectly", "Karma balances everything", and "Every day is precious."


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